About Me


If you are having fun, learning comes easily!

I am Tobi Blue, grade one teacher of Christ Church Cathedral School (CCCS) and Assistant Head. I have worked at this school for 14 rewarding years. Before CCCS, I was busy working as a Teacher on Call getting small temporary contracts at some of the independent schools in Victoria, and also working on the Sooke District school board. I have also taught up island and from coast to coast!  Before I ‘date’ myself, prior to the teaching stream I was deep in the corporate fitness world for years, where I was employed by “Tony the Tiger” at Kellogg’s the cereal company!  My job was to keep people happy, healthy and working hard at their jobs via wellness activities, and my return to work as a kinesiologist support. Maybe I didn’t stray too far from the corporate fitness world?  After all, anyone who has been in my class knows it’s active, happy and we are always working hard!

We are growing constantly and our world at Christ Church Cathedral School remains exciting at all times.  To summarize my experience at Cathedral School in one word is, incredible!   As an educator it is so exciting to be a part of a growing community. With our small intimate classes it has been a pleasure to work with all the talented teachers striving to offer more for our children. When I began working at CCCS I started the intramural sports teams at lunchtime, and slowly progressed to afterschool exhibition teams in a variety of sports. Now we are competing in the middle school division and I could not be more excited. We have doubled our teams, quadrupled our participation and continually see great results overall from our students in all levels of competition. It is so wonderful to expand athletic skills, learn team building and good sportsmanship rules not to mention have some fun!

Not only do I enjoy teaching my wonderful grade one class, but it has also been exciting to facilitate their learning through the SMART boards and extensive technology we offer our children in this great school.  This is a crucial age group to expose our learners to as many educational opportunities as possible and reach each child’s individual needs. Striving to differentiate the learning each day for every child is a large order, but it is a necessity that happens each and every day in my classroom.  I find using a variety of approaches to learning all day and changing every day, integrating the iPad, SMART board, Response clickers and good ol’ fashion conventional learning activities, I can reach all my little learners and master their skills while having a little bit of fun too!

This is a fabulous educational facility for students and a wonderful inviting place to work as a teacher!  I am so blessed to be a part of this community.  The staff at Cathedral School are incredible educators.   I feel very fortunate to work with each person on our staff.   Everyone brings great strengths to the school and we all work very well as a team. We are well balanced and a talented group of caring teachers.  The students at the school are also very caring.  They are always so welcoming, polite and very eager to learn, a superior quality in our student body.   From a teacher’s perspective, the general student body is often a reflection of the parents involved with the school.  So it’s no surprise, the parents at our school are superior too; everyone is supportive, open for suggestions and always around to lend a hand.  After all, our parents are our learning partners.

So, do you really need to ask? This is an educator’s dream place to work!  From my perspective this is the place to be, as a teacher, as a student and as a parent.  We are all working toward a common goal, to grow tomorrow’s leaders.  It’s a privilege to be part of such an innovative community of people.  It is also a community that we are building together with love and pride.  This is a community to be proud of, a great school filled with great people!


Tobi Blue
Assistant Head & Grade 1 Teacher
PE Specialist
Reading Specialist

Christ Church Cathedral School


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